Sunday, July 14 from 9:00AM to 1:00PM in the West Parking Lot of the Casino.
This event has free admission and is open to all ages, so bring the family to enjoy classic cars!
There will be:
Classic Cars on Display, the People’s Choice Contest, the Best in Show Contest, the Seven Feathers Food Truck and a Takelma Roasting Company coffee booth.
Register your vehicle for Cars ‘N’ Coffee by filling out a registration form at the event by 12:15PM.*
Winners of the People’s Choice & Judges Choice Contests will be announced at 12:30PM.
Vehicle participants will receive a Takelma goodie bag.
The People’s choice winner will receive 1 night stay and dinner for 2 at K-bar Steak House. The Judge’s choice winner will receive $1,000 cash.
*First 200 registrants only. Must be 21 or over. All decisions are final. Management reserves all rights.