Saturday, April 26
Tickets on sale March, 1 at 10:00AM
Doors open at 8:00AM. Admission sales begin at 10:00AM. Games start at 1:00PM.
Buy-Ins: Paper $200, Electronic $240, Extras $20
Over $80,000 in Cash Prizes, and 12 Regular Games pay $5,000!
Play for your change at $5,000 and $10,000 MUST GO Super Jackpots!
Purchase tickets in person at the Gift Gallery, by clicking here, or call Etix at 800.514.3849. You may purchase a seat for another person but if that seat does not have a playing guest in it by the time warm-up games have concluded, the seat may be resold. Etix is the sole ticket provider for all Seven Feathers Casino Resort events.